Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Spread Love, It's The Brooklyn Way

    Today was a fabulous day, and for absolutely no reason at all. When I left the apartment this morning, I was smiling, and as I walked to the Subway, I continued to find reasons to smile. One thing actually that made me chuckle this morning was that I saw this short hispanic looking woman and she looked familiar to me, so of course I'm thinkin to myself like, "janai, why on earth do you think you recognize this woman and where would you know her from?" Then I realized she resembled the women that Arnold Schwarzenegger had his illegitimate child with. Baahah, familiar none the less though. 
   Another reason to smile was having gained a slightly better grasp on how to straighten my hair so that it doesn't frizz up shortly after walking out into the heat. And I couldn't have chosen a more perfect morning to figure that out, because today I took the picture for and got my security ID card. I had quite a good time downstairs in the security office racking the man's brains for information. 
Encodist  Room
     Then all day at work, I was with Mallory in the encodist area. The picture I attached is from that room, it had more tv screens than Best Buy! Things were beginning to make more sense and come together better, so I was able to be more proactive and actually do some things today. But ohmigosh, so I learned something pretty cool today. 
    Second, while watching more live feed from the Casey Anthony trial--mind you, for the record, that woman is bat-shit crazy, and I am still hoping for some crazy outbreak when someone takes the stand, but I guess in high-profile cases like that, it's common for the family to get a copyright on the deceased's name. So like, Casey Anthony's family has a copyright on Caylee Elizabeth (i think?!) Anthony, like to prevent anyone from making a movie, or basically making money off of her name or the story. Crazy, huh?
     So, all-in-all, it was just a really good day. On my way home, it took a little longer and the trains were a little more crowded because it was like evening rush, but I still got home in just about an hour. And when I got off the subway, I was still smiling! On the subway, on the way to work, I fell in love with some beautiful light-skinned stranger that I'm praying I see again. And on the subway on the way home, I was jammin to my music, but this dad was sitting with his little asian daughter doing some really big math problems. lol this like 3 year girl had noooo busy adding and subtracting the big numbers that she was! And then this precious little long-eyelashed, curly haired little boy and his mom sat next to me. He was so presh! I think I'm realllly starting to fall in love with this place.

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