Friday, June 10, 2011

Sawyer Sighting Part II

    Friday while I was in the newsroom, the floor manager for World News came in looking for fillers. Basically, during the show, they strategically place people at different computers around the set so that in each shot with Diane it looks like she's in a busy, hustling and bustling newsroom. So Kevin, the sports intern, and I were two of the people that got to go sit on computers during the show.
    When we got there, it was pretty cool because Diane was already on set checking her makeup, and preparing for the show. Throughout the show, and when I could, I was just like observing her. I probably looked like a creep staring lovingly at one of idols, but I was completely enthralled. It was kind of funny seeing everyone running around doing things that she didn't really have to lift a finger, but it was more cool being able to see how a network news show was run, and comparing that to how I've seen a news show run in a much smaller network. 
    I still didn't get to meet her. Right after the show, some people and kids showed up that she was hosting, so Kevin and I just introduced ourselves to the floor manager and went back to the newsroom. But I'm one step closer!

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